Pre-Professional Advising Center
Program Overview
The Pre-Professional Advising Center provides information, advising, and support for students who aspire to graduate/professional programs in the health professions and wish to enhance their academic and extracurricular preparation.
There are no upfront costs associated with PPAC advising services for students; students entering the application cycle will need to prepare to spend $2000-$7000 for test prep. and application (e.g. AMCAS/AACOMAS; AADSAS; OptomCAS)
Target Audience
All UCR undergraduate students and alumni can utilize the Pre-Professions Advising Center (PPAC).
There are no eligibility criteria to utilize PPAC services. First-year students meet with HPAC Ambassadors. Second years - alumni meet with PPAC Advisors.
You don't need an application to use PPAC advising/services; earlier is better.
Juniors/seniors/alumni who apply to a health professions cycle, applications are encouraged to be submitted by the end of June/July of the application cycle.
Pre-Professions Advising Center
Rivera Library, B03 (Lower Level)
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Tel: (951) 827-6233