Welcoming Newest Highlanders

Dear Students,

Welcome to the University of California, Riverside! Pennants are typically used to show allegiance to sports teams but today we are sending you a UCR pennant because you are part of the Highlander family now and we are on your team. While you are counting down to the first day of class, we are preparing too. We understand that this is an unusual time to begin at UCR, but we are dedicated to your success and ready to help you make progress toward a degree. Our distinguished faculty are developing new knowledge and instructional plans to educate and inspire you. Our enthusiastic student support teams are working on ways to help you take this next step, connect with your peers, and find your place in our community. We look forward to hearing about your #countdowntoUCR as we work to welcome you to the start of fall classes. Go Highlanders!


     Kim A. Wilcox Chancellor


Welcome Highlanders!

I know that you are excited to get started in fall term. Use your time at orientation to find a fall friend and keep in touch with them! There's a lot of other helpful tips at keeplearning.ucr.edu. Continue to check back through the quarter for help on staying connected to the UCR community, fellow classmates, and UCR's awesome faculty.


     Jennifer Brown Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education



To the newest members of the Highlander community,

WELCOME! After working in higher education for more than 25 years, this will be the most unconventional commencement of a new academic year that I have ever experienced. That unconventionality has created an opportunity for UCR’s faculty and staff to think dierently in order to create unique experiences for our Highlander student community in this temporary virtual world. When I think about all the hard work that has taken place on campus over the summer and that will continue into the coming weeks to ensure your fall experience is the best it can be, I am reminded of the following quote from Mark Twain, “you can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” The dedicated faculty and staff at UCR have their imaginations sharply in focus and, as a result, I am confident you will experience a fall quarter that is meaningful, inspiring, distinctive, and fun. Welcome to the Highlander family!



     Emily Engelschall Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Services and Director,                           Undergraduate Admissions