'First-Gen Faculty' Campaign Highlights Professors Who Are the First in Their Families to Attend College

Riverside, Ca –

On Thursday, June 8, UC Riverside officially joined the UC-wide First-Gen Faculty campaign, meant to highlight and identify first-generation professors who can, in turn, serve as mentors for first-generation students.

This appreciation event was held at the weekly Farmer’s Market by Hinderaker Hall. Faculty members who stopped by the First-Gen Faculty booth could pick up a T-shirt, a pin, and a ticket for a free Moo Moo ice cream cone.

So far, 88 UCR professors have self-identified as first-generation – the first in their families to achieve a four-year college education. Systemwide, about 800 faculty members are participating in the campaign. First-generation faculty members are encouraged to wear First-Gen T-shirts, buttons, and are expected to share their college experience with students.

Read more at UCR Today